Our Areas of Expertise

Our Areas of Expertise

Our doctor’s office is specialized in assessment and orientation in all types of pediatric surgical problems.

In the following lines we go into detail regarding our areas of expertise, according to the different body areas affected. You can also find some detailed, descriptive cases in the Interesting Cases section.

More information is to be found in the Audiovisual School for mothers and fathers, specially designed to widen knowledge of some key aspects of pediatric and orthopedic surgery.


Resources for parents

It’s no easy task being a mother or father, not the first time, nor the next. One at times feels that there are just so many......

What is Pediatric Surgery?

As it name indicates, pediatric surgery is that aspect of surgery dedicated to resolving surgical problems in childhood.



Clinic Cases

Watch as clinical cases, the surgical options available for your children

Ask for Appointment

Hospital Sagrat Cor
Calle Viladomat, 288
08029 Barcelona

902 39 29 19

Ask for Appointment

Hospital General de Catalunya

935 65 60 00

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