Anal fissures and fistulas

Anal fissures and fistulas are generally the most common anal-rectal pathologies.

Fissures are characterized by slight bleeding associated with painful defecations of hard and thick feces.

The appearance of an inflammatory process similar to a pimple, in the margins or surrounding area of the anus, should always raise the suspicion of the existence of a fistula.

The persistent slight bleeding with feces in the absence of pain can indicate the existence of a rectal plop and require a rectoscopy.


Resources for parents

It’s no easy task being a mother or father, not the first time, nor the next. One at times feels that there are just so many......

What is Pediatric Surgery?

As it name indicates, pediatric surgery is that aspect of surgery dedicated to resolving surgical problems in childhood.



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Calle Viladomat, 288
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