What is our approach?

What is our approach?

Principally we employ affection, a lot of affection. We honor the words of our esteemed Dr. Dargallo, Dept. Chief of the old Alianza Clinic, who used to say that ‘’no one dislikes a kind word.’’ Such words succeed even when face to face with little ones, frightened by all the white coats. We also employ psychology, a great deal of psychology, because at the end of the day a surgeon must know how to transmit confidence to both those entering the operating room and to those who trust them to us.

This is always the result of a team effort, where experience is united. In the operating room there is never a lone surgeon. In the case of an emergency another surgeon must be present to help resolve the problem. So when a child enters the operating room he or she does so accompanied by both Dr. Broto and Dr. Martin, regardless of who carries out the intervention.


Resources for parents

It’s no easy task being a mother or father, not the first time, nor the next. One at times feels that there are just so many......

What is Pediatric Surgery?

As it name indicates, pediatric surgery is that aspect of surgery dedicated to resolving surgical problems in childhood.



Clinic Cases

Watch as clinical cases, the surgical options available for your children

Ask for Appointment

Hospital Sagrat Cor
Calle Viladomat, 288
08029 Barcelona

902 39 29 19

Ask for Appointment

Hospital General de Catalunya

935 65 60 00

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